Hi there, and welcome to LANGE.
As a subset of ANGELtype, LANGE exists as a niche clothing brand focused primarily on silhouettes, materials, and tailoring. Quality of garments and accessories, a strong connection with our audience, and an intuitive customer experience are all things LANGE will not only practice, but constantly improve on.
Our first few collections of items will be centered around could-have-been items for ANGELtype that resonate more closely with the underlying tones of LANGE. Furthermore, ANGELtype will transition (back) to a brand filled with licensed and collaborative art, more color variants, and a more inexpensive pricing model. On the other hand, LANGE will still be considered entry-level in it's pricing model, while focusing more heavily on the former vision of ANGELtype. This clear division should, in theory, satisfy both audiences I've come to cultivate - giving freedom of self-expression to all in a variety of different ways.
With your help and support, LANGE, as well as ANGELtype, can pave the way for a new form of self-expression aligned closely with my vision as a creative. Thank you so very much for your support and watching it all unfold in real time. These projects are about as personal as it gets, but my absence from ANGELtype has been mainly due to anxiety so I can't really say anything. I feel like I'm able to breathe with LANGE which is cool. Anyways, thanks again.